
Individual Therapy

Having the willingness to embark on journey of awareness into understanding

Couples Therapy

How to find the words to say
“I miss you”

Group Therapy & Drum Circles

A way to truly feel seen and have others witness your truth

Clinical Supervision, Consultation, & Mentorship

Guidance is the compass for those who seek to heal and be healed. Through mentorship and clinical supervision, we cultivate growth, foster wisdom, and inspire the journey toward mastery.

Life Coaching

Life’s journey is ever unfolding, yet often we find ourselves paused at crossroads. Through coaching, we unlock the doors of potential, navigate the unknown, and move with purpose toward a future of our own design.



We offer a trauma focused approach towards psychotherapy through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. This was founded by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987. When we have experienced too much too soon our nervous system floods into overdrive. EMDR is a therapy modality that allows us to bring awareness of ourselves into clarity and understanding.

Couples Therapy is also offered for those of us who have experienced a disconnection and loneliness within our relationship. Each one of us has a desire to be seen and many of us hope our partner can emotionally support us as we face life’s challenges together. Inquire about Couples Therapy to deepen your connection in your relationship.



We offer group therapy sessions in a process group approach developed by Irvin D. Yalom. Naomi is also trained to lead Music Medicine Drum Circles as well. Group therapy offers a chance for people to meet each other on an emotional level to create a deep emotion connection through courage and vulnerability.

Group therapy offers a space to feel seen and emotionally held by a collective of people; it allows us to witness someone else’s truth. It is scary to be open and raw with people we don’t know, but there is something freeing about not being connected in any other space except through the experience of group therapy.

Drumming allows us to begin to have a physical connection with our body differently than conversing about our experiences. We can feel and thus be connected with the world around us.

Life Coaching

Momentum into the future

We offer coaching for those who are seeking forward momentum within their life. There are many areas where we may find stagnation such as relationships, employment, education, directional future ideas, and learning to be present within the journey itself.

Coaching is individualized and is differentiated from trauma psychotherapy as it does not utilize the main therapy modality of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), nor does it utilize other therapy modalities, or evidence-based practices backed by scientific research. Reach out to inquire about gaining skills for the journey into your future.

Clinical Supervision, Consultation, and Mentorship

Professional Development: An applied approach within a theoretical context

We offer clinical supervision, consultation, and mentorship for fellow colleagues, paraprofessional interns who accruing hours toward licensure, and graduate students who are actively enrolled in a graduate practicum.

Through the transfer of theoretical and applied knowledge, we are able to better engage with others in the therapeutic alliance. This is a path to vulnerability and growth to become a more well rounded practitioner.

These services are for those seeking individualized guidance, support and knowledge transfer. Clinical consultations can be specific to the EMDR modality or assist with overall professional growth. Inquire to expand your professional knowledge.


We are an Aetna Provider for outpatient therapy, and we accept out-of-network clients as well. We can provide a superbill for potential reimbursement from your insurance company for our out-of-network services. Simply ask your care team for assistance in obtaining the necessary documentation. A 15-minute consultation is free, and once a service agreement has been entered, there is a 24-hour cancellation policy for missed sessions. 

  • Partnered with Aetna
  • Free 15 minute consultation
  • 24-hour cancellation policy

What We Treat

Relationship Difficulties

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Substance Abuse

Emotional Difficulties and Mood Disorders

Grief & Loss

Treatment Approach

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)


Trauma Focused




 Los Angeles, CA